Marketing the Rainbow: LGBT travel
Within the framework of my PhD Research “Marketing The Rainbow” I took the first steps to practise the finding in the area of “Travel & Hospitality”. I found out quite soon that in this area not only the most successful, but also the most numerous examples could be found, of companies targeting the “LGBT consumer”. Gays travel more
Al vrij snel bleek nl. dat op dit gebied niet alleen de meest succesvolle, maar ook de meeste voorbeelden konden worden gevonden van bedrijven die zich richten op de “LHBT consument”. Gays travel more often, spend (much) more and their considerations are diverse and sometimes suprising.
To further investigate what these travellers expect, and how Europe – and more in particular the Netherlands – score as gay-friendly destination, in October 2015 I launched an online survey call “LGBT Friendly Travel Destinations”. No less than 600 people participated: a result of my relentless networking activities.
Note: a minimum of 200 participants is usually required to draw any significant conclusions.