
I have developed myself into a specialist in the area of CRM: Customer Relationship Management. In short, CRM for me is “Client”. I have worked with several CRM applications, such as Epiphany and SalesForce.

Key words: customer journey, customer and product life cycles, customer satisfaction, loyalty, churn reduction.

Part of my role as marketer is to schedule the most appropriate means of communication, design campaigns, and use diverse media and means.

I also set up customer contact strategies, and implement them. I often use media such as letter, call-center (inbound and outbound), sms, email, flyer, POS, social media, events. Both ATL and BTL, together TTL. With my background as a journalist I mostly deliver content en copy myself.

As freelancer I have not only worked on projects, but also to fill temporary positions.

For instance, at insurer ARAG I was interim manager to run a project which involved 3 internal departments and 25 people.

At KPN I fulfilled the position of campaign manager multiple times, until the position could be filled with a permanent employee.

In a few projects part of my responsibilities was the procuring of financing, in other words finding sponsors.

– At the Binnenhoffestival in The Hague I was involved in merchandising and sponsor acquisition.

– For Reade I procured christmas presents for the 450 employees.

– A workshop of one day about Gay Marketing for 80 members of Genius was sponsored by a few dozen companies, with a total value of € 20.000.

– For GayDay@Efteling I had 25 suppliers commit to the day, so that we could give all 1,500 participants a goodie bag with a value of € 100.

– To participate in the annual Amsterdam Pride Parade I managed to cover a budget of € 18,000, by finding 1 main sponsor and several minor ones.

With close to 30 years of work experience I have seen almost all aspects of Marketing (supported by NIMA A and B training), as well as market(ing) research.

I have worked in acquisition, development and retention.

At ReMark I was responsible for account management in 9 European countries. Together with a team of 5 colleagues we realized more than 5 million direct mails. Later we also introduced telemarketing.

Furthermore, at KPN I built a lot of experience with campaign management. This concerned both the consumer market and the business market. In the beginning we worked mostly with DM, later multimedia campaigns were introduced: callcenter, emailings and sms-acties, including drive-to-store and drive-to-web..

For Hi and Telfort I also set up and executed campaigns, as well as for XS2Justice and The 6PC Network.

I organized events in the framework of running projects, for instance retreats, team-building sessions and brainstorm days.

– For The 6PC Network I set up meetings in 20 countries, varying from work breakfasts to gala dinners, wine tastings and city tours, museum visits and master classes.

– Next to this: intervisions for XS2Justice en EasyLawyer.

– Under the label @. ease events with a plus I organized several ‘luxury’ outings for 12-90 people.

– At a larger scale I was involved in Gay Day@Efteling, an event for 1.500 participants.

Market research is an integral part of a well-designed marketing and communication strategy: both before a campaign is set up and executed, and afterwards to measure results (perception, impact, customer satisfaction).

Market research comes in many shapes and forms, I applied several:

  • written questionnaires
  • follow up by telephone
  • street interviews
  • polls
  • focus groups
  • and most importantly: many online surveys

See the page Market research for cases and more information.