Entries by alfred@bright.partners


Each year during LGBT Pride month (June) or around Pride festivals around the world, many companies start flying the 6-colored rainbow flag to join us in the celebrations. Not just the mom & pop (or mom & mom) stores in the downtown districts, but also larger companies and even international corporations gayly participate (pun intended). […]

The destructive power of Mike Pence

He may be Vice President now, but not so long ago Mike Pence was governor of the Hoosier state: Indiana, the 38th largest by area and the 16th most populous of the 50 United States. But you don’t have to be a big ruler to mess things up. Pence managed to seriously dent the reputation ánd […]

A wedding party with 28 million guests

On June 25, 2015 (the same date that saw the end of racial and gender discrimination in earlier decades) the American Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled that marriage equality was a constitutional right. The ruling was only 5-4, so four of the judges voted against – and not all in a, let’s say, neutral way. Justice […]

A wedding party with 28 million guests

On June 25, 2015 (the same date that saw the end of racial and gender discrimination in earlier decades) the American Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled that marriage equality was a constitutional right. The ruling was only 5-4, so four of the judges voted against – and not all in a, let’s say, neutral way. Justice […]