Why choose for me?
For me, the beautiful thing about marketing is the translation of ideas into products. The conversion of concepts in results. The bridge between internal processes and the customer. Supporting the sales team and the channels.
I think fast and work fast. I can swiftly get acquainted with a new organization. I think freely, out of the box, and often come up with proposals or solutions that are surprising and effective.
Through decades of experience and a good understanding of figures I can often predict the results of a campaign: response figures, sales, participants, web traffic. For this reason I am able to give an accurate planning: both a strategic picture as well as the tactical fulfilment thereof.
I handle deadlines well. I won’t easily say “no”, but do indicate what the consequences are of a fast track process, or urgent delivery.
I am able to keep many balls up in the air, without getting stressed. This is why I have been able to run a number of side projects of my own, next to my work: creating and building networks, organizing events, realizing educational projects and assisting organizations with sponsorship acquisition. This most often happens pro bono.
Core values: always focus on the (final) customer, work fast, effectively and efficiently.
Motto: I am straightforward, don’t beat around the bush, keep the interest of your client in the cross hair. Because that is your interest.
* TIS = Thinking in Solutions. As soon as I hear an idea, problem or question, my brain starts squeaking and all kinds of solutions come to the surface. I thought this was ‘normal’, until I found out that there are many people who think in obstacles and negatives, while others do not respond at all.